Photo Shoot

Photo Shoot

Winter 1958

     After many many months we had enough of the rehearsing.  The band sounded great and every one thought it was time for our debut. 

 In the winter of 1958 Don Gates Jr. put together a great idea.  He  managed to get the band booked for a live show between two Rock and Roll movies on stage at the Victoria Theater. What a great idea and it would be a perfect way to get started. Everyone loved it.    

Now,  if we were going to do this we had to look sharp so we struck up a deal with the local tux. rental store and were fitted for our new look. The uniforms weren't new but they were all ours.  Next, our assignment from Don Gates Sr. was to  get down to the Victoria Theater to have some publicity pictures taken by a professional photographer.  Which we did.  Unfortunately mine is the only surviving picture. 

Below, I have put together the best  pictures I have to give you an introduction to everyone in the band.  If you click on any one you will get a bigger picture.

Jack B

Rich K

Don G

J Kawecki

A Orkins

J Kozik


      About a week before our debut if you will, we had a dress rehearsal on stage and a few people were invited to come.  We wanted to be able to setup, organize quickly and quietly with no fumbling around.  A lot of planning went in to this and we didn't want to blow it.  If we had to make mistakes let them be here. All I remember about rehearsal was John Kozik putting on his Frankenstein mask and running down into the audience.  I loved it.  He created and sang the song, Frankenstein # 9,  and was quite a character. A short guy with a big bass fiddle.  He could play a mean bass too I might add, both slap and regular. 

 Anyway,  the dress rehearsal was a success and we were a little more confident about the upcoming show.  This was a new experience for us and everyone was excited and just possibly, a little nervous.    

You may have noticed a new member Alan Orkins. He was talked into helping us with our music because he had more experience then we all did.  Then, he decided to stay for a while.  We all liked Alan.  He had a quieter manor then the rest of us but boy could he play.  That rounded out the band.  


Opening Page  Meet The Band  The Beginning  Rehearsals  Photo Shoot  Victoria Theater  Show Time  Gigs 1  Gigs 2 

The Recording Session NYC  Gigs 3  Bell  Sound Studios NYC  The Songs  Epilogue  1963 Cash Box Top 100 

Gallery 1  Gallery 2   Gallery 3  The Busters Photo Album  WHYN WLS  1959 to 196-   Top 40 hits 57     58      59 

 E-mail comments  Credits  In Memory